Mouse around
There’s only two ways:
Chasing or being chased,
You know?
Running towards or from.
Can’t it be both?
Yeah, if you’re on a spinning wheel.
And aren’t you?
Well, yeah…
You are…
But then so is the wheel on something else and
So on,
Zoom out a little,
It’s not all about you,
You know.
L. Haiman is a Bucharest-born-Edinburgh-educated-London-living writer whose work is upcoming in the West Trade Review and The William and Mary Review. L. Haiman’s work has appeared on line in Ilanot Review, Pilcrow & Dagger, Minetta Review, decomP, The Missing Slate, and in print in the short story collections Garlic and Sapphires, Two In the Bush, and literary magazines Anything, Anymore, Anywhere. L. Haiman is also an ongoing collaborator of illustrator Via Fang