We're pleased to announce that we've got two new poems + accompanying podcasts by on of IS&T's staunchest supports Helen Pletts…

The man who left this face on me
The man who left this face on me;
this grey
(no, i’m not impatient waiting for the bus,

the bus will come)
but the man who left this face on me
is gone.

Don’t try to change the course of Cuban history

By sending exploding cigars, an agent
with a pen-syringe, approaching underworld figures
to carry out a killing, placing high explosives
under the speaker’s podium, recruiting

an old classmate to shoot someone dead
in the street in broad daylight, enlisting
a former lover as an assassin
armed with poison pills, buying Caribbean

molluscs with a view to planting explosives
in the largest shell, preparing
a skin disease infected diving suit,
making bacterial poisons

to be placed in a handkerchief or
in a cup of tea or coffee, rigging up
a radio station with noxious gas, using snipers,
blowing up an airliner.

To hear these poems either click on the control buttons in the player panels or on the paperclip attachments icon.

Helen Pletts is a regular IS&T contributor. She was born in the UK
but now lives in Prague in the Czech Republic, where she teaches
creative writing. You are welcome to visit www.stem-of-quietly-disarrayed-fertility.com