Here's our latest poetry podcast recording, courtesy of The poem – Of English Lawns & Bright Piazzas
– is by Simone Mansell Broome. Simone read English at Sussex University and is now based in West Wales, living on a farm and running a centre for holidays, workshops and courses. She won first prize at Winchester Writers Conference in 2007 and chairs a local writers group. She also organises and co-hosts the monthly Word Up spoken word night in Cardigan. In 2008 Simone produced a pamphlet of poetry called Not exactly getting anywhere – described by Phil Carradice as “finely observed poems, verses we can all identify with and enjoy, poems to make you think…” The podcast is not for fans of Helena Bonham Carter, nor Merchant & Ivory movies.

* Instructions:
To access this podcast: click on the paperclip, this will reveal an MP3
file attachment, click on this and a new browser page will open up with
a familiar audio player plugin control panel (play, pause, rewind etc). Play the file as many times as you like – or even download it
to your desktop. Then, when you have finished, click the 'back' button
on your browser to return to the Ink Sweat & Tears site.