Here's our latest poetry podcast recording, courtesy of The poem – Amplifier Worship
– is by Simon Perril, a poet and collagist and lives in Oakham, Rutland. Poetry publications include Hearing is Itself a Kind of Singing (Salt 2004), New Tonal Language: Reality Street 4 Pack 3 (Reality Street 1999) and Spirit Level (Equipage 1996). He has written widely on contemporary poetry, and edited Tending the Vortex: the Works of Brian Catling (CCCP Books 2001) and the forthcoming Salt Companion to John James. He teaches at De Montfort University, Leicester and his next book of poems is Nitrate. * Instructions:
To access this podcast: click on the paperclip, this will reveal an MP3
file attachment, click on this and a new browser page will open up with
a familiar audio player plugin control panel (play, pause, rewind etc –
these my vary depending upon the type of software you have on your
system). Play the file as many times as you like – or even download it
to your desktop. Then, when you have finished, click the 'back' button
on your browser to return to the Ink Sweat & Tears site.
– is by Simon Perril, a poet and collagist and lives in Oakham, Rutland. Poetry publications include Hearing is Itself a Kind of Singing (Salt 2004), New Tonal Language: Reality Street 4 Pack 3 (Reality Street 1999) and Spirit Level (Equipage 1996). He has written widely on contemporary poetry, and edited Tending the Vortex: the Works of Brian Catling (CCCP Books 2001) and the forthcoming Salt Companion to John James. He teaches at De Montfort University, Leicester and his next book of poems is Nitrate. * Instructions:
To access this podcast: click on the paperclip, this will reveal an MP3
file attachment, click on this and a new browser page will open up with
a familiar audio player plugin control panel (play, pause, rewind etc –
these my vary depending upon the type of software you have on your
system). Play the file as many times as you like – or even download it
to your desktop. Then, when you have finished, click the 'back' button
on your browser to return to the Ink Sweat & Tears site.